God Bless VBS Songs

Repost from Cornerstone West LA. My car speakers are on a regular loop this week that includes “Jesus is our Guide,” “He is The Light,” and “I’m Trusting You,” a song that opens with a growling lion and monumental drumbeat. While 20-something me would have rolled her eyes in musical elitist disdain, I could not be happier to learn the dance moves and sing along with my children about how God makes a way in the wilderness.

I added this year’s Cornerstone Kids Camp songs to a Spotify playlist I created after VBS 2019—enhanced of course with some Newsboys, 90s worship jams, and half the DC Talk Jesus Freak album because, well, necessary. The line between music quality and the rosy glasses of nostalgia has completely blurred for me, and I have no shame. Read more.