Hi, I'm Meredith.

I fit untidily into all sorts of boxes—academic, designer, wife, mother, writer, seamstress, food enthusiast, city dweller, country girl. I was once even referred to as a “recovering Texan.”

Underneath it all, I’m a huge nerd for all things theology. I like to translate heady ideas and academic-speak into everyday language for all sorts of people. I want to help you see the depth and beauty of the Bible.

My first book, Brave and Beloved, is an invitation into the lives of women in the Bible. It includes the text of their stories with supporting cultural commentary and study tips to help you learn more about God’s radical design for women—and a little about yourself in the process. In Mothering Life, I explore the maternal images of God in short but substantial devotions designed to meet moms in the limitations of those difficult postpartum years. I hope you’ll join me in reading God’s story for sweetness.