Resolved: For a Very Boring 2018
Anderson contemplates the new year from atop a rock at the Natural History Museum.
New Year's Resolutions may be a bit passé, but I do enjoy taking a moment at the turn of a year to reflect back on where I've come from and think about plans for what's next. Many friends walked with us on the rocky road to home ownership in 2017, which was in fact one of our goals for the year. As we skidded into the finish line in early December, our excitement with God's provision did not come without a heavy dose of exhaustion. In fact, as I reflected back over the last decade of my life, it has been marked with dramatic transition—marriage, job changes, babies, and finally, a big move. So for 2018, what I would really like is to have a Very. Boring. Year.
By boring, I mean I want to weed the garden, trim trees, and have friends over for coffee, dinner, or wine and cheese (not necessarily in that order). I want to read my Bible every day and learn more about how to follow Jesus. I was to pursue and preach God's design for women. I want to cuddle my kids, love my husband, and sleep an appropriate amount each night. I am ready to be a boring old lady.
Phil and I have chosen a theme verse the last couple of years, and for 2018, we were particularly compelled by Psalm 73 after an awesome message from Ara Torosian, one of the pastors of Grace Iranian Church, a partner of Cornerstone's who reaches out to the Farsi speaking community in our neighborhood.
But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
—Psalm 73:28
I am actually quite pleased to enter a phase of life where some good, healthy routine can set in. Coming from a non-liturgical branch of Christianity, I am enamored by the beauty of rehearsing God's truth together in repetition. Like this verse, it reminds me of the wealth of joy to be found at the familiar foot of the old rugged cross.