What is a Woman?


If you have been following for any length of time, you know this question is not new for me. Over the last several years, I’ve danced around it—from Hannah to Esther to Woman Wisdom, I have taken a deep dive into the experiences of different women in the Bible. I’ve pondered work and childbirth, motherhood and marriage. I made friends with Feminism and re-read Piper and Grudem. I managed not to rage-throw any books.

But all the work I have done considering the experiences of women both Biblical and modern has failed to really pinpoint the answer underneath it: What is a woman?

Why did God make us male and female? Is there a greater cosmic significance to my gendered body than simply a need to populate the planet? How do I pick through the sordid history of patriarchy to discern what is God-inspired and not sin-tainted?

What is a woman?

I’ve been studying this topic more specifically with two of my pastors for the last year, and a compelling image is beginning to solidify. For bits and pieces from my research, follow me on social media. Or, if you want the bigger picture, subscribe to be notified when we release the dates for our Manhood and Womanhood Conference.