Of Note at a Month
Little chubbers now clocks in at 10 lbs 1 oz and 21.5 inches long. His eyes are that deep navy blue that Eloïse had so we think they may turn out blue after all. The biggest difference I have noticed (besides his size) is how much he smiles for me. Almost every time we eat, and often when he drifts off to sleep, I get generous, inadvertent smiles. I know they are sort of a reflex, but it makes me think that he is going to be a cheerful little guy.
I am loving having a little snuggler again, though I've told Phil a few times now that if we can have a winter baby next time I would certainly prefer that. We are in full California heat (which though it only means high 80s is still pretty rough without AC) so its only slightly less wonderful to have a little ball of heat on my chest. We compensate with minimal clothing and a strong fan.
In spite of this and other typical newborn challenges, I am enjoying the bliss of having an infant again. I know not everyone enjoys this phase of raising kids, but I feel particularly suited to it. I think I could sit quietly feeding and rocking babies for hours. It is such a treasure. Can't believe the first month has already gone by. It feels a bit too fast.